would be the dhatu of Bhagavan and Dhamma literature. A Sanchi type of gateway would provide access to the worshippers going in for pradakshina.
Visitors to the Vihara would get a good idea of the Buddhist...
‘Sangharamam is the residential block meant
for a) 6 resident monks b) 8 teacher monks and
c) 4 visiting monks. In all there would be 18
rooms, a Yoga hall and a common dining room.
This would be connected to the...
‘Seema’ is the place where higher ordination (upasampada) of monks takes place on the premises of a Vihara. This is a sacred place designated by
the Bhikkhu Sangha in an elaborate ceremony...
Mahabodhi Seva Sadanam is the main building
from which all Service activities are conceptualized
and initiated. The Sadanam provides for educational
and health-care activities...
Mahabodhi Vidyalayam is a school for value based
education run by the Mahabodhi Foundation,
Hyderabad. A similar school is run at Mahabodhi,