upcoming Projects
Completed Projects

The Buddha statue donated by Ven. Kartla Panna Tilok Maha Thero on behalf of Chittagong Buddhist Association located at Yangon, Myanmar.

Entrance to the main temple on the third floor.

Outside view of the Chaitya block

Chaitya block front view.

Chaitya block main temple hall where meditation and other puja activities take place.

Monks learning computer skills in computer class in second floor of Chaitya block.

Assembly of the monks in the morning and Dhammapada class taken by Ven.Buddhapala.

Assembly of the monks in the morning and Dhammapada class taken by Ven.Buddhapala.

A student monk is speaking to the gathering during the morning assembly.

Dining facility for monks.

Mr.Tashi is taking secular subject for young monks.

Life of the Buddha class conducted by Mr.Tashi.

Entrance to the office located on the first floor in the Chaitya Block.

Office cabin and seating arrangement for the guests.

Office cabin and seating arrangement.

Computers used for training the monks in computer skills.

This stupa has been built in the memory of Ven.Ananda Mitra Mahathera.