What is Sangha Dana ?
Sangha dana or charity to the Bhikkhu/Bhikkhuni Sangha is an ancient Buddhist practice which started in the life time of the Buddha himself and continues till today.
The practice of Dana or charity helps us to overcome the first of the three taints, Lobha or greed. Dana to any one brings us merit, what brings greater merit is the dana to Bhikkhu Sangha who have dedicated their lives for the benefit of others. On more than one occasion Bhagavan Buddha said that charity made to the Sangha is far superior to the charity made to individual monks or nuns.
If you are interested in supporting the Sangha, you may kindly join the Mahabodhi Dayaka Mandali.
what is meditation?
Meditation is a means of transforming the mind. Buddhist meditation practices are techniques that encourage and develop concentration, clarity, emotional positivity, and a calm seeing of the true nature of things. By engaging with a particular meditation practice you learn the patterns and habits of your mind, and the practice offers a means to cultivate new, more positive ways of being. With regular work and patience these nourishing, focused states of mind can deepen into profoundly peaceful and energised states of mind. Such experiences can have a transformative effect and can lead to a new understanding of life.
Who is a Bhikkhu?
The term Bhikkhu is given to a person who has renounced the householder life and embraced the life of a monk and dedicated his life to the practice of Buddha’s noble teaching.
What is Vihara?
Vihara is a Pali word which means a dwelling place for monks, also can be called Monastery.
After becoming a monk, it is not suitable for a monk to live in a family house as this would cause a disturbance in the practice of Dhamma to a monk.
What is a Bodhi Tree?
Bodhi tree also called Pipal tree in India. It is a sacred fig tree under which Siddhartha Gautama achieved Bodhi(enlightenment).
Buddhists followers from all over the world venerate and pay respects to the Bodhi Tree.
What is Chaitya(Shrine)?
Chaitya or shrine is a sacred monument in the Buddhist world. Chaityas are built in the memory of enlightened masters, inside the Chaitya antiques/Buddhist literature like Tripitaka, robes and ornaments are enshrined.
Inside the chaitya, Buddha’s and his enlightened disciple's relics are enshrined and therefore the Buddhist worship and venerate Chaitya.